Boulder Gov. Polis Threatens to Withhold Weld County Emergency Grants

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Denver, CO – Boulder Governor Jared Polis’ office threatened to withhold Weld County emergency grants if they are out of compliance with public health orders.

Weld County Commissioners recently announced the county is allowing all businesses to open up on Monday. They say it is “completely unfair to pick winners and losers.”

Late Thursday, the governor’s office told 9NEWS counties that are out of compliance with public health orders “are in jeopardy of losing state emergency preparedness grants.”


It sounds like Polis is willing to jeopardize lives by withholding emergency grants from counties that want to defy his orders.

This is a stark contrast to the narrative that Polis is willing to work with counties that want to open businesses earlier than the state.

Folks, Polis is just putting on a show. He does not want to give up control over any county, municipality, or person that disagrees with him. To achieve this, his office is resorting to threats that they will pull funding.

The county is still advising businesses to maintain social distancing, limit groups to 10 people, and use shields at businesses.

Polis has no right to pull Weld County’s emergency preparedness funding. This is a dirty, nasty threat because Polis is losing control.

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8 thoughts on “Boulder Gov. Polis Threatens to Withhold Weld County Emergency Grants

  1. I am seeing over and over again, or at least reading of folks receiving citations from law enforcement for Gathering or visiting a Trailhead or ATV trail or system in Colorado. My question how is this lawful or Unlawful to begin with.
    Do we here in Colorado do we have a process to enact laws, and once something is a Law then and only then can someone Break that law, the authorities able to issue citations?
    Has this condition called Coved19 given law enforcement Wide and untethered ability to give citations for anything THEY think should be illegal or not meet their condition? When did it become LAW that we MUST stand 6 feet apart? (or risk arrest and ticketed) When did it become LAW, we cannot visit a city park that our tax dollars built? When did it become LAW, we cannot visit State lands open to the public.?
    Is it just because the Governor wishes it so or a County decides that even though it is a part of Colorado it can shut out the citizens of Colorado from its borders and roads?
    When did these things become the LAW of the Land? What process did it take to becoming a law that i am braking?

    1. Well, to answer your question of when it happened, it happened when his Highness Polis announced his Chinese Flu Public Health Orders. As he finished the announcement he said, and I quote: “These orders are now law.” He’s doing the same as that Whitmer female (<—nicest word I can use for her) governor in Michigan is doing. As we are all seeing, the democrat liberals are the most reprehensible and dictatorial. While I realize that governors have broad powers in an emergency i.e. fires, floods & tornadoes to name a few, the power he and his leftist ilk have grabbed is unconscionable. These powers need to be checked and checked hard. As Colorado Conservative states below, yes, we need to get action started. There will be no case of "standing" being challenged. His "orders/laws have affected every Colorado citizen. It needs to stop and I for one will be glad to support and assist any legal effort as such. In Mesa County, our County Commissioners have petitioned for faster openings. Polis has yet to respond. These need to be adjudicated, he needs to be personally sued (though that won't get too far) and he needs to be re-called or voted out…..and quickly!

      1. Yes, we tried to get him recalled, but didn’t have enough signatures. We knew we were in Trouble in Colorado. He is trying to be King of Colorado. Last I knew we voted for a Governor, not a domineering so called King of Colorado. We were suppose to be voting for a Governor. All we got for our Bank of the Buck was a person who is so full of himself that this is not going to work. He needs to come to the Table and like like he is a person, he needs to act human. Sorry but I never voted for him and those who did, need to think about what he has tried to turn Colorado into . A bunch of Sheeple who will bow down before him. Its come time for the Locals and the People of Colorado to straighten out this man who had decided that we are not capable of being in charge of anything.

      2. Well Said Tommy, These Liberal Democrats are so Corrupt, I haven’t seen one person say they voted for him so most likely he was a fake count ballot him and chickenpooper did to get him into office, we need to make sure the liberal demos don’t steal ballot this time around

  2. Well known attorney Robert Barnes has sued the tyrant governor of Michigan. Not sure how to get that ball rolling in Colorado but it needs to happen NOW. Attend the upcoming End The Lock Down rallies at the Denver Capitol on April 26th (Sunday) noon to 2pm and May 1st starting at noon.

  3. I bet he wouldn’t be happy to hear businesses in La Plata county are already reopening. People see what a waste this has been. #REOPENCOLORADO

  4. are the funds federal funds, if they are, nero has no right to interfere, if he does he would be in violation federal funding. I would like to see Trump’s people tell nero to take a hike, and if nero does not maybe a federal court order , that would put nero in to frenzy, and send the right message enough is enough, wonder how many orcs would rally around nero?

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