Candidates Hickenlooper & Johnston Demand Gun Bans

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Left to Right: John Hickenlooper, Dan Crenshaw (R-TX, 2nd District), Mike Johnston

Ex-governor and failing presidential candidate John Hickenlooper, as well as Senate hopeful Mike Johnston, are demanding gun bans and confiscation in the wake of the tragic shootings in El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH.

We have come to expect this response from the left, which is willing to exploit the emotional aspect of any tragedy for political gain.

Barely able to contain himself, Hickenlooper almost immediately took to Twitter to call for gun regulations. Take a look at one of Hickenlooper’s latest Tweets below:

Hickenlooper’s checklist is nothing new. It contains the top priorities of the left when it comes to gun confiscation and civilian control. Oh, and a lie, because the phrase “assault weapons” is political rhetoric used to demonized rifles made out of plastic.

Johnston actually promoted a rally in front of his opponent, Senator Cory Gardner’s office calling for strict gun regulations.

Mike Johnston asserted that if you do not support gun-grabbing, you stand with white nationalists, and are helping support the next shooter. It’s a neverending stream of hyperbole with this guy. He even went so far as to call Cory Gardner an accomplice.

So what is Congress doing while tragedies are exploited by politicians to call for gun bans and confiscation?

Congress is Quietly Passing a Surveillance Law

Well, Republicans and Democrats in Congress are already attempting to pass legislation that some say will encourage the discussion about increased gun regulations. Do not be fooled – this Act is a violation of our liberties, and creates a surveillance state.

Colorado Congressional Rep. Jason Crow, who hijacked and politicized a vigil for the Colorado STEM shooting victims in May, is promoting this liberty-grab.

Crow called on the Senate to pass, the Threat Assesment, Prevention, and Safety Act of 2019 (TAPS Act). Prominent Republicans such as Dan Crenshaw (R-TX, 2nd District) wrongly support this threat to liberty. It creates a surveillance state, and they want to use it for gun confiscation. Imagine how much easier it will make confiscating firearms under Colorado’s new Red Flag law.

Not only that, but it will cost taxpayers vast sums of money and undermine the privacy of American citizens. It is time to take a serious look at certain culture aspects in our country, but spying on Americans is not the way to do it. Gun confiscation is not the way to do it.

Firearms are American’s last line of defense against tyranny. Make no mistake – the TAPS Act is an act of tyrants.

So please, say a prayer for the victims, their families, and our first responders. Say a prayer for everybody who is harmed by gun violence, and remember what is at stake if we cannot protect ourselves.

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4 thoughts on “Candidates Hickenlooper & Johnston Demand Gun Bans

  1. The challenge is not to repeat tired old arguments against even modest regulation: the challenge is to propose solutions that will prevent future mass murder. What are yours?

    1. UNRESTRICTED Open and Concealed Carry…




      NOT ‘the world”!

      When the criminal element understands that their intended victim, or someone nearby WILL BE ARMED they tend to seek safer ‘job opportunities’.

    2. Well, when the Left gets it right in Chicago call me. Funny not a peep about the daily gun battles and weekend killings. That take place in Chicago and other democratic held cities. My plan would be to eliminate ALL gun -free zones. These nutcases never seem to go and cause mayhem and death where people are able to shoot back. Further restricting my rights to own weapons will not and never has deterred the criminal element or the deranged from causing the pain and misery that they find necessary.

  2. Probably the best solution to America’s problems:


    IMMEDIATE REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, and, depending on the severity of that breach, penalties up to AND INCLUDING the Death Penalty. ANY VOTE in favor of any Bill that would NEGATIVELY ANY CITIZENS RIGHTS as Enumerated in the Bill of Rights would be the DEATH PENALTY!

    It shouldn’t take long to put a stop to that garbage.

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