Democrats want to make it legal to embezzle campaign funds

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Democrats supposedly hate big money involved in campaigns – except for their own of course.

In case you aren’t aware of campaign laws, you’re not allowed to use campaign funds for anything outside the campaign.

You can’t take campaign funds to pay for your own expenses, as should be the case. It’s embezzling.

But now, Democrats are trying to change that.

Last week they introduced SB19-229, a bill that changes the election code to allow candidates to us campaign funds to reimburse for expenses for child care or care for dependents.

The sponsors are Democrat Reps. Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez and Kyle Mullica, and Senators Faith Winter and Mike Foote.

This provision would then be the only exception to unexpended campaign contributions, where it states:

“Except for new authorization, in no event shall contributions to a candidate committee be used for personal purposes not reasonably related to supporting the election of the candidate.”

This sounds ripe for corruption.

What does child care have to do with a campaign?

The responsibilities of a parent do not change by making the decision to run for office. You are not entitled to lesser responsibilities because you’re running for office.

Would it then be ok to require businesses to pay for childcare since a parent would need daycare or a babysitter to work? Well, many business do voluntarily anyway (thank you private sector).

Proponent: “Why should a parent have to decide between taking care of a child and a career?

Well, because of responsibilities. It’s called being an adult.

What were to happen if this becomes law and Democrats pass public funded campaigns?

Then you’re paying for the childcare for someone that you didn’t even voluntarily give your donation to.

This legislation continues to show the hypocrisy of Democrats on campaign funding. They’re against it until it comes to their side, and they never hide when they try to take advantage of it and change the rules.

2 thoughts on “Democrats want to make it legal to embezzle campaign funds

  1. Democrats will steal the shirt off your back if you blink long enough! Robbers and Thieves!

  2. We need to begin recall petitions for as many Democrats as we can. However most of us have no idea how to begin. Perhaps the Republican Party in Colorado could put the steps on facebook.

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