Governor Jared Polis Issues More Executive Orders

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Polis has raised his Executive Order game…

We’ve written about the push from the left on “environmental standards” AKA their Green Religion. For example, we did an article on Guv Jared Polis and Senator Michael Bennet on their Big Green push.

We’ve also covered the Colorado Air Quality Commission and their mandates on electric cars, and how the Guv has turned the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission into a bunch of anti-industry greenies. Of course, we wrote about the Democrats in the legislature and Polis are swiftly killing the oil and gas industry in Colorado. Last but not least, do you remember Polis lying about local control, and how Weld County is a perfect example of this?

Frankly, we’re getting sick and tired of reporting bad news regarding the over-reach by Polis and the Democrats. But apparently, the bleeding won’t stop. Now Polis has issued an Executive Order to the Regional Air Quality Council to step it up on more government control.

Specifically, and we’ll just quote Joey Bunch’s article on Colorado Politics here:

– [To] act “boldly and cost-effectively,” as well as expeditiously, to regulate air quality with health-based standards in mind for the Denver metro and northern Front Range regions.
– [To] seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to “mitigate the significant public health, economic and environmental impacts of climate change.”
– [To] prioritize strategies to mitigate climate change, improve energy efficiency, reduce traffic congestion and cut air pollution.

Joey Bunch, Colorado Politics, August 23, 2019

As if Polis and his fellow Dems weren’t doing enough damage to our State, freedom and the economy – now this! He basically wants to speed up and increase regulations, and probably hope people will forget all about this when his 2022 re-election comes around. Well, we won’t forget, and we know We The People won’t either.

You may remember that Polis used an Executive Order on vaccinations back in early June after “vaccination reform” was defeated by parents and citizens during the last legislative session. Polis seems eager to use his office to push policy, far beyond what former governors have done. This is all about control folks, plain and simple.

We need to fight back!

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5 thoughts on “Governor Jared Polis Issues More Executive Orders

  1. Tell you what this guy is trying to stick it to the conservative population. In general practice, revenge for all the past injustices done to the lbgq what ever. They even keep going after the bakery guy went to the Supreme Court and won. That wasn’t good enough, so called lgbq wants to continue with their sick a$$ crap. I’m just getting started. I got a lot to take about. If any one wants to engage in some real conversation about any subject respectfully. 8m at your service. Thank you for your kind attentions.

  2. UN Agenda 21. Agenda 2030. The Report from Iron Mountain and the fact that he’s pushing all these policies that come straight out of the Communist Manifesto should let everybody know that We the People need to keep this tyrant under a microscope, then get rid of him and all the others who would dare impose these agenda’s on us by not only voting them out of office, but recalling them as soon as we possibly can.

  3. This is just I expected, not 9ne bit surprised. This is part of the over all plan to get rid of not ONLY TRUMP but all TRUMP supporters. Soros and his lunatic liberals have put out the bounty on us all DEAD OR ALIVE, NOT NECESSARILY ALIVE. it’s going to get a lot worse before it can get better. I can only make promise. My family and I will not go quietly into the night u bastards.

  4. Maybe I’m mistaken but has there really been any water pollution directly attributed to fracking? Anadarko drilled a gas well right around the corner from my home in Erie. Their rep told us neighbors that their typical wells are over a quarter mile deep, far below the water table. They put up 20′ high straw bales to mitigate noisy, got in, fracked their wells (the noise was short-lived and noticeable but not horrible and there was no damage to my home), cleaned up and left the site immaculate. There is no noticeable air pollution coming from the site. I for one am happy to see Colorado’s economy booming and can only hope voters kick Polis out asap.

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