Ian Silverii: ‘Don’t you dare pray for shooting victims’

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Christian hating political consultant and leader of Progress Now, Ian Silverii, attacked conservatives and Christians in the aftermath of the tragic shooting in Highlands Ranch yesterday.

Silverii, who seems to fancy himself the puppet master of socialist politics in Colorado, showed his true insensitivity and anti-Christian bigotry in a couple of tweets today.

Silverii proudly wasted no time politicizing the death of a child and the injury of seven others. Never let a “good” crisis go to waste is the Silverii mantra, and like clockwork the bigot slings mud at Christians because they believe in God and he does not. Because he conflates Christianity with conservatism.

Silverii will no doubt demand politicians take action, enacting stricter gun laws and gun confiscation in order to stop the violence.

But, Colorado lawmakers have been attempting to put a stop to gun violence in schools for years now. For instance, every single year, House Minority Leader Patrick Neville sponsors legislation that would allow teachers to be armed in order to protect our children. Silverii’s cronies vote it down every time.

Just this session, Republicans proposed an amendment to reallocate millions of dollars in film subsidies for Hollywood elites to fund school safety measures. Again, Silverii’s cronies voted the legislation down.

The real criminals here are the socialist gun-grabbers who dance with joy every time there is another shooting because they get to call for more gun control. And while they dance, Democrats like Silverii will attempt to point the finger at God-fearing Christians and their guns.

Christians are not the criminals the left makes them out to be just because they believe extra prayer is called for just as much as action in times of tragedy. This is not a time for hate, and this is absolutely the time to pray for these families and their loved ones.

People like Silverii should be ashamed of themselves for denying comfort to grieving families due to their anti-Christian prejudices.

4 thoughts on “Ian Silverii: ‘Don’t you dare pray for shooting victims’

  1. As an atheological conservative individual, I see Silverii’s comments as the most reprehensible side of the Left/Liberal/Progressive mindset. Millions of Christian, non-Christian conservative and other gun-owners of various theological beliefs, can see Silverii’s comments for exactly what they are…..stupidity. A stupidity born of ignorance and a warped sense of social responsibility antithetical itself to the term “American.”

    It is a Liberal sickness abroad in the land that allows this type of twisted sensibility to even see the light of public discourse.

  2. First of all, Ian Silverii, this is America. How about this: don’t you dare tell me who I can pray for. Don’t even try to tell me how to live my life, or what I can and can’t do. Secondly, what do you think you’re going to do about anybody praying for victims, for this nation, or anything else? Censor them? Censor their actual thoughts? Censor their conversations with the One, True, Living, Sovereign God who created the universe? I think you think WAY too highly of yourself, buddy. You might be surprised to know, and it might hurt your fragile Leftist, Marxist Utopian feelings to know that the majority of people don’t care about anything you say, nor do they take your comments seriously.

  3. These Demons aka Democrats are so full of hate it’s pathetic .
    Ian DON’T you dare tell me Not to pray, maybe if you prayed God could help you get rid of the hatred and open your eyes to the truth.

  4. Ian Silverii – Absolutely hate east coast and west coast individuals coming to Colorado and spreading their liberal – socialist – thoughts and ruining our state – after reading Ian I figured he was from N.Y. but no I was way off New Jersey

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