New Democrat monopoly set to launch agenda Colorado voted down

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With the session beginning, conservatives can only hold their breath on what to expect.

The deep pockets of California liberals flipped Colorado into a dangerous position that will change the state as we know it – and potentially for a long time.

On Election Day, the radical left steamrolled republicans. Not because moderate republicans reversed their position on Trump, but because republicans, as a whole, stayed home.

But even with the lack of conservative votes on Election Day, Colorado convincingly defeated every ballot question, snubbing their nose to the socialist agenda bankrolled by leftist billionaires. But in the end, that’s what Colorado is going to get.

With complete control of the House, Senate, and Governor’s office, Democrats have already hinted at what their agenda will be – everything Colorado voted against at the polls.

Gas taxes, payroll taxes, higher property taxes, higher minimum wage, mandatory paid leave, red flag gun confiscation, Medicaid expansion, Sanctuary STATE, and mobile locations for heroin addicts to shoot up, exacerbating the drug epidemic all under the blessing of Colorado leadership.

All this can pass through the legislature without so much of a speedbump.

The big danger: This breeds a forfeiting attitude from conservatives. We want to cut our losses and try to cling to a minimal amount of liberties. This only succeeds in slowing the leftist agenda down – not stopping it.

This is what the left does. It imposes their ideology, enacting unsustainable regulations that ultimately become burdensome on themselves, not just the working class. Burdensome enough for them to leave their state and occupy the next state they find charming – starting the process over again.

Colorado is in the beginning stages.

Colorado has been flipped from red, to purple, to now blue. Industries will be picking up and leaving, and liberty-loving citizens will be too.

The establishment republicans have failed to not only preserve the party, but could not even motivate voters to even vote. The party resisted help from the President, and in-turn alienating the base.

Conservatives need to pay very close attention to what happens this legislative session and decide what direction they want the state to go. The liberal legislature will give conservatives every reason to be upset and want to take action.

Conservatives will then need to capitalize.

Conservatives cannot waste the opportunity the radical leftists are about to give them. It will be frustrating, it will impact our lives, and we need to double down every step of the way to make it difficult for them, just as they do to us.

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