Rep. Melton sponsors bill to protect criminals like himself

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We would have missed this if it weren’t for one of our loyal readers sending us this tip today.

The “ban the box” bill that was heard on the house floor today sets a dangerous precedent for several reasons, including making it illegal for employers to have a section on an application asking the applicant whether they have a criminal record or not.

First of all, telling an employer what questions he or she can ask, especially when it comes to criminal records, should be up to the employer. After all, the employer has the most to lose when it comes to hiring and firing and not the government.

Even more interesting is the same guy previously charged [twice] in relation to physical violence against a woman, Rep. Jovan Melton, D-Aurora, is the prime sponsor of the legislation. Though the second charge was dismissed, a judge later granted the first woman a restraining order.

This obviously makes for terrible press, but it gets even worse.

When Republican Representative Susan Beckman, R- Littleton, attempted to amend the bill to at least allow business owners to ask whether or not the applicant had a dangerous, violent record, for example, murder or physical violence, Melton and his Democrat colleagues voted to kill the amendment.

Given the fact that Melton was charged with physical violence against a woman, and now he’s running a bill that would hide his record from potential employers, you’d think the press would be reporting on this?

Either way, if the press actually covers this, we’ll be the first ones to acknowledge them for doing their job. But, until then, look away, no double standard here.

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