Rep. Neville gives impassioned speech opposing Red Flag

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House Republican Leader Patrick Neville, R-Castle Rock, gave an impassioned speech in opposition to the dangerous Red Flag confiscation bill.

Rep. Neville who was a student at Columbine during the infamous shooting and an Iraq War Veteran chastised Democrats for infringing the Constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

“This [bill] wouldn’t have stopped them. Those psychotics got their weapons illegally through straw purchases. This bill wouldn’t have stopped that at all.”

Opposing HB1177 and defending our constitutional rights

Minority Leader @Patrick Neville stating his opposition to HB1177, and honoring the sacrifices that so many have made for our rights and freedoms.

Posted by Colorado House Republicans on Friday, March 1, 2019

9 thoughts on “Rep. Neville gives impassioned speech opposing Red Flag

  1. Thank you for standing up for the law-abiding citizen gun owners. Infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens will NEVER infringe on the criminal element of our society. Why can so many oeople not understand that? Thank you again.

  2. Thank you sir for testimony and sorry for the pain you have had to experience but you are 100% correct on your stance.

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr Neville. That’s one of many reasons why I voted for you.

  4. Thank you for supporting the rights of all the law abiding citizens. Cannot understand why our elected officials remain blind to the fact that criminals will not abide by their “protective” laws!

    1. They’re not blind and they know exactly what they’re doing. They’re communists working for the wealthy elites.

      In order for them to get the upper hand and full control over our society they need a disarmed public in order to implement the communist utopia they are working to force on our society. They understand that a good number of Americans aren’t going along with their UN sustainable development green communist plans.

      Gun control is a part of united nations agenda 21.

  5. Thank you sir for your service and sacrifice.
    Thank you for standing strong on our constitutional rights.

  6. A phenomenally impassioned speech……….that fell on the deaf ears of people that had already decided to vote with their party, regardless of other factors. Takes me back to when I was seated in the capitol building and witnessed the vote on the magazine capacity bill. You know……the law that was going to reduce crime in Colorado. The decision was made long before the votes were cast. Amendments violated with this bill: 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th.

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