The Law Doesn’t Matter to Jared Polis

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Boulder, CO If you read our articles on a regular basis, you know we take issue with illegal activity. One of the issues we cover a fair amount is illegal immigration. This topic is hugely popular with our readers, and rightfully so.

Another popular topic is His Majesty, Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis. So when we get the chance to write about His Majesty and Illegal Immigrants, well…

By now, you’ve heard of Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program called DACA for short. In a very over-simplified explanation of the program, it allows foreign-born people who were brought here as minors to remain in the United States.

Of course, benefits to this class of people have expanded to free tuition, free benefits, and of course, freedom from following the law.

Here’s the link to the article from the Associated Press that Colorado Politics posted. We found it suspect that the article only cited liberal groups, and quoted liberals. Obviously, the author was trying to make the case that these people give more than they take. We don’t believe it. We also believe the number of DACA eligible people in Colorado far exceed the 15,000 cited. The left always underestimates these numbers.

The article talks about how President Trump (as promised) tried to end the program, and of course, was sued by every liberal group out there.

Now, here’s where it gets fun. Polis wanted to weigh in on this issue:

Polis says his administration would ensure there is legal aid for DACA recipients if the high court decides next summer that the administration can terminate the program…He also vowed to press Colorado’s congressional representatives to find a solution. As a congressman, he was a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act. Opponents of the legislation say it would encourage illegal immigration…DACA recipients “are just as American as any other Coloradan,” the governor said, decrying what he called “a horrific attempt to destroy our economy and rip families apart.”

James Anderson, Associated Press, November 15, 2019

Well, these people aren’t as American as any other Coloradan, they’re here illegally and aren’t Americans at all. Usually, illegal means criminal. Usually, criminals need legal representation. So by offering Colorado taxpayers’ money to pay for their legal representation, Polis is basically admitting they’re committing a crime.

But, wait – there are statistics to back up this criminal claim! According to the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, a fair percentage of both applicants and recipients of DACA have arrest records.

Paying for legal representation for criminals seems to be a trend. We wrote about how Denver was doing this with fundraising and tax dollars just this past week.

None of this should surprise anyone. Democrats need new voters! As the article points out, this is in controversy to a new ballot initiative to only allow real American Citizens to vote.

So what else has Jared done to Coloradans concerning people here illegally? As the article points out:

Since taking office in January, Polis has signed into law measures to limit police cooperation with federal immigration officials and to increase the availability of driver’s licenses for immigrants here illegally…He’s also appointed a DACA recipient, Marissa Molina, to the board of Metropolitan State University of Denver.

James Anderson, Associated Press, November 15, 2019

Polis has signed laws to help criminals. Hence the title, “The Law Doesn’t Matter to Jared Polis.” He clearly doesn’t care about the law, and he wants to put criminals before citizens – or at least commit our tax dollars to help criminals.

Oh, and appoint them to positions of power in higher education. Conservatives are starting to miss the days when Polis was in Congress, doing less damage to Colorado.

This is what is happening in our state, folks!

Stay tuned and Please Share!

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3 thoughts on “The Law Doesn’t Matter to Jared Polis

    1. It pays to do a little research before voting. look at their family background and what they have supported since coming to Colorado! Less emphasis on party and more on core issues!

  1. How to we stop this madness? Free tuition are you kidding my daughter in debt so far 60K for an upper law degree and still has another year. Now how is that fair? She also joined ROTC to help with the college costs and will serve time in service once she graduates. Even my father a veteran and MASH helicopter pilot does not get free education. He is in his 80s and likes to learn still.

    I am NOT in favor of putting them back to their countries after all this time but dang it, I should not have to pay for their food, medical, college, housing, and the list goes on. The solution to me is they cannot vote if they came here illegally but they can pay for taxes NOT collected and be contributors to Colorado.

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