Vaccine bill is not about health – it’s about control

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Democrats continue to try and rip more rights away from parents when it comes to making decisions for their children.

Parents were already in outrage earlier this session when Democrats were pushing a bill that would force their children to go through mandatory sex education, and created multiple hoops to jump through for parents to provide input.

Now, Democrats are looking to force children to get vaccinations while making it difficult for parents to intervene.

After 14 hours of testimony, HB19-1312 was approved on a 7-4 vote. Proponents say the bill will make it easier to get a vaccine than to get an exemption, but what they don’t say is that they want to take the parents out of the decision process.

We are not here to get into the conflict of vaccines and whether or not they’re beneficial or risky. This is a serious issue when politicians and the state attempt to take parents out of the decision process for their children.

Not to mention a move right out of the socialist playbook.

What the bill does

Much like the mandatory sex education bill, parents would have to go out of their way to exercise their rights to retract permission that was never actually given, rather than giving consent.

The bill would require parents to make an in-person visit to the local health department to sign waivers for personal or religious exemptions.

Remember when we were kids and would have to get a permission slip to go on a field trip, or even to play a sport? How did this turn into, “we’re going to do anything we want with your children, and it’s up to you to find out what it is, and then fill out the proper paperwork to exempt your child.”

Parents would be outraged if their children were pushed into playing a sport without their permission.

How would parents feel about their child being forced to play football? We’re sure many parents would be upset because of the possible injuries involved.

So why does the state think they can just start sticking needles in our kids and inject them without the consent of parents?

What will happen if parents don’t go through the hoops of getting an exemption? Will the state take actions into their own hands? Will they try to justify taking your child because you pose a risk?


This is not the only alarming thing in this bill. The bill also requires the Department of Public Health and Environment to establish an immunization tracking system with immunization information gathered by the state and health officials.  

So now it appears you will be documented and tracked for filing an exemption.

Not only does big brother want to make it difficult for you to make a decision for your child, but they want all the records of your decision as well.

2 thoughts on “Vaccine bill is not about health – it’s about control

  1. Bill Gates says his vaccines will depopulate citizens and save the 🌎. Perhaps he should be Red Flaged for admitting to mass murder.

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