Colorado Dems and Don Coram want 5-year olds to learn the finer points of gay sex

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A big part of the Governor Polis’ State of the State address focused on education. Well if Republican Senator Don Coram and Democrats get their way, kids in K-12 are about to get a perverted lesson on their sexual identity choices.

HB19-1032, Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education, was introduced by Senators Susan Lontine, Nancy Todd, and Don Coram. This bill:

“prohibits instruction from explicitly or implicitly teaching or endorsing religious ideology or sectarian tenets or doctrines, using shame-based or stigmatizing language or instructional tools, employing gender norms or gender stereotypes, or excluding the relational or sexual experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender individuals.”

Here’s a gender norm, for example, boys like girls and girls like boys. An overwhelming majority of humans are attracted to the other sex. How stigmatizing and shameful…

I guess now our kids will learn the scientific-overview of the reproductive process and procreation is just as important as the proper scissoring technique for lesbians.

To these extremists, anything they don’t agree with is “shaming”.

I don’t know about our readers, but dictating what is natural, and then labeling that as stigmatizing sounds pretty intolerant.

I’m not saying we shame anyone for their sexual preferences – frankly, we don’t care what they choose. But teaching children that gender norms are hateful and shameful is dangerous when the audience is an impressionable age group going through hormone changes. That’s what confuses them and turns them into self-victimizing, emotional wrecks.

Maybe it’s this kind of thinking and parenting that leads to 10-year old drag queens posing for pictures with nude, adult men. And don’t try to tell me this wasn’t child abuse.

We expect this from Democrats, but what the heck is Sen. Coram thinking?

5 thoughts on “Colorado Dems and Don Coram want 5-year olds to learn the finer points of gay sex

  1. We are in a world of trouble as Christians here in a Co…what are these people thinking?or perhaps they don’t think

  2. Sen. Coram needs to read the scriptures in the Bible about homosexuality as well as the creation of man and woman and their purpose here on earth. Here are a few scriptures to help his sinful soul and mind: Regarding Homosexuality: Gen. 2:24, Lev. 18:22-30, Lev. 20: 13, Matt.19:4-5. Mark 10: 6-9 and Romans 1: 18-27. Also have him read the first few chapters of Genesis about the creation of Man and Woman.

  3. At at time when Colorado is so far behind in scores for reading and math, what in the world makes the legislature think it is ok to try and teach sex education?????? I believe the math and reading scores should be at or above average before even considering adding anything else to the already failing curriculum……

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