Heroin in your neighborhood, what could go wrong?

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On 710 KNUS, Peter Boyles highlighted issues with heroin injection sites and how the media has had nothing but positive coverage on the subject.

Boyles, unlike public servants who claim to know about the situation in Vancouver where taxpayers fund injection sites, KNUS visited and what they witnessed is disturbing. Junkies roaming the streets,  and increased crime, vandalism, and police presence. The pictures tell the story.

Here is a question for our readers, is this something you want to see in your neighborhood?

It’s what Rep. Singer (Longmont) and Sen. Brittaney Pettersen (Jefferson County) want for Colorado. After all, they’re the ones pushing the hardest for this legislation.

Now, as we reported in an earlier post, Rep. Singer is trying to give us a smokescreen so he can sneak his legislation through without controversy.

Singer is blaming homeschooling for the horrific death of a 7-year old, rather than on the boy’s heroin-junky mother whom Police arrested for the death. 

Singer is pushing for surprise inspections (basically government raids on homes) on homeschool families, in what we believe, as a way to cover up his pro-heroin agenda. 

These people will go to any length to hide the consequences of their dangerous agendas.

If forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for heroin abuse is such a good idea, maybe Singer and Pettersen would be willing to host these injection sites in their home.

6 thoughts on “Heroin in your neighborhood, what could go wrong?

  1. Please do not bring drugs near children and schools , heroin does not belong in the public , take it to your home and let them do it there if you think it is right , tires of things being shoved in our faces but not in politicians homes , not right at all.

  2. When does this stupidity stop. If they are going to try to pass this, then every Democrat needs to have those heroin injections centers in their homes and businesses. Keep them away from me and my loved ones. I’ve seen what heroin does to your loved ones that are addicted. ITS UGLY. Stop the stupidity.

  3. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, I say NO to this heroin injection site, they don’t need a place to go get and do drugs they need a center to help them get off it,

  4. If there are funds to fund heroin shooting galleries, they those funds should diverted to in house treatment. Heroin is illegal. Costs millions dollars in Medicare payments. I worked 16th street mall in the early 2000s. Do we want the whole of Denver Metro to end up like that? Please stop this nonsense and vote NO!!

  5. I write this with tears in my eyes as this past weekend I attended the memorial service for the 20 year old daughter of my friend and neighbor who lost her battle with drug addiction. 13 months ago the same scenario played out as my brother laid his son to rest after the same struggle with heroin. How can we claim to be a just, moral society when we choose to support and abet the use of drugs that steal our humanity, our free will, and our children’s lives? This is just a way of injecting poison into our children in a clean, antiseptic environment. These drugs are mean, nasty killers of our minds and souls and bodies. As a society, we should not give them the moral high ground by condoning their use. We then all become heroin dealers. Or is that what the Left want, for us all to be guilty of the murders of our children. As for me and my family, we stand against this atrocity.

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