Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate

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You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Senators want to infringe on your life even more.

Today, the Senate starts discussion on the Red Flag gun confiscation bill.

2 thoughts on “Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate

  1. You are getting this ALL WRONG! Why is it so hard to realize that the majority of people using guns for violence need Mental Health care…….and HAVE for a long time! Colorado is severely LACKING in: easily accessed; affordable; QUALITY; Mental Health Services! Our time and money would be MUCH better spent addressing the problem from THIS standpoint! There is NO need to go through all of this other stuff—–it’s all smoke and mirrors! The Sheriff’s Departments have ALWAYS had the ability to place someone on an M1 hold!! But as an Emergency Room nurse for 40years, finding a facility to accept them was impossible most of the time! What you are doing now, violates our State and Federal Constitution on SO many levels! It’s nothing but a gun grab and everybody knows this! I promise there will be recalls if you DON’T start listening to ALL of Colorado citizens! And remember, YOU work for US….not the other way around!

  2. Please vote no on this bill. It will put our LEO’s in harms way unnecessarily. And it goes against 3 amendments or the constitution. Furthermore, if a person gets to the point they are going to cause harm to themselves or others, they will do it regardless of what tools are available to them.

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