Democrats are attempting to vilify the “citizenship question”

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Democrats in Washington DC are attempting to vilify the concept of a “citizenship question” on the upcoming 2020 census. US Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH 4th District) wants to know why Dems don’t want to know the number of citizens in the country, and we do too!

Why don’t they want to know. It’s a question the United Nations recommends as a best practice. It’s a question asked in numerous other countries. How’d we get here today?

Jim Jordan during the House Oversight Committee, June 12, 2019

Now, it is unlikely everyone you will encounter on the street wants to ask the citizenship question on the 2020 census. If they do not, our guess is they are indoctrinated by liberal media, or their citizenship status is questionable.

To address the first possibility, you can’t fix stupid. As for the second, Census Bureau data is confidential and cannot be shared with other government agencies (ie. the FBI or ICE). So, the only people being harmed by the citizenship question (legal and illegal residents alike), are indoctrinated snowflakes who choose to be offended.

Remember, the census helps states draw congressional districts and redistribute federal tax dollars according to population. Surely, Democrats across the country are not trying to increase their control of Congress by counting illegal aliens the same as citizens, right?

According to California’s Legislative Analysist’s Office, net domestic migration in California is in the negative. It has been for years. But, according to the Pew Research Center, an estimated 2,200,000 illegal aliens reside in the state. That’s a big swing in the population if illegal aliens are counted.

Why does this matter in Colorado?

Look at the facts. Colorado Democrats turned the state into a sanctuary and magnet for illegal aliens this legislative session, and they drastically expanded driver’s license services for illegal aliens as well. The state is projected to pick up a congressional seat after the 2020 census, and counting illegal aliens will only boost that chance.

That’s not the only problem. Skewed population statistics will likely result in improper redistricting of state and congressional seats in Colorado.

Asking the citizenship question is more important than ever. Without it, the integrity of elections in Colorado and across the country will be damaged.

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