Democrats to expand ID services for illegal immigrants

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Colorado Democrats plan to expand identification document services for illegal immigrants living in Colorado.

As you may know, Colorado is one of 12 states already allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, but only at four locations.

SB19-139 aims to expand current locations to a total of 10, which apparently requires the appropriation of nearly $1.75 million in new tax dollars.

Worse still, the bill references “identification documents” instead of specifically calling them driver’s licenses. This broad definition brings up the question of what they plan to allow next.

Now, Democrats will argue this is important for the safety of Coloradans because illegal aliens are already driving on our roads without documentation.

But illegal aliens are also already in our country without documentation, and that does not make it right to provide them amnesty or citizenship. After all, they broke our laws by illegally entering the country.

So why should we allow illegal immigrants the privilege of driving in our state?


According to our understanding, not only will this program cost taxpayers a huge amount in the first year alone, but it is full of fraudulent opportunities.

To what extent may we see this program abused?

To obtain a driver’s license in Colorado you are required to provide proof of residency. We do not believe illegal aliens should be considered residents of any state if they violated immigration laws by entering the country without documentation.

But let’s set that aside and focus on the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Colorado recently implemented automatic voter registration. This allows Coloradans to register to vote at the DMV by allowing the DMV to send driver information to the secretary of state. This will automatically register the applicant without a formal application.

What concerns us, is whether proper checks exist in the automatic registration program to stop illegal aliens from being registered to vote.

If a loophole does exist here, there is no doubt it will be abused. Illegal aliens have absolutely no right to vote in our elections at ANY level. If a hole exists in either program that results in even one illegal being registered, this is a major problem.

For instance, what will stop an activist employee who believes illegals should be allowed to vote in our elections from sending registration information? If they are not caught, absolutely nothing.

Even worse, what if they intentionally provide information that fool potential checks in the program?

You guessed it, illegal aliens voting in our next election.

If SB19-139 passes, longer waits will surely become an issue at expanded DMV locations. And we all know waits are already outrageous.

Fraudulent possibilities aside, let’s focus on the bill sponsors.

Sponsors and recall implications

SB19-139 is sponsored by Dominick Moreno, Don Coram, Rochelle Galindo, and Jonathan Singer.

Galindo, D-Weld, already faces a recall effort over a number of bad votes. The most impactful in Weld being her support of devastating oil and gas regulations.

Weld County is the number one producer of oil and gas in the state. As a result, the focus of her recall is largely based on her vote for SB19-181.

But, let’s not forget her vote to protect pedophiles from prosecution. Or her vote in favor of Red Flag gun confiscation.

No doubt, conservative voters in Galindo’s district will not be fans of her newest legislation.

If reports are true, a petition for the recall of Rochelle Galindo could be available for signatures as early as Saturday, April 6.

3 thoughts on “Democrats to expand ID services for illegal immigrants

  1. I’m almost positive all Democrats the party had left have decided they don’t care about America, and those in power are trying everything they can to subvert our nation and it’s values.

  2. Here are some additional problems with the issuance of any official document to illegals. At best they come with a birth certificate from a foreign country that the driver license dept neither has the authority or resources to verify. They do not have the ability to know if the document is authentic are resources fo find out. No SS card (which was never intended to be I’d of any sort) or other supporting documents the would identify name dob or if this is a fraudulent application with someone else’s documents ( now way to eliminate duplicate applications with the same documents). The worst case senerio is they arrive with no documents. This does not even address all the problems mentioned in the article above.

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