Democrats: It’s fine to discriminate with gun control

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Yesterday, Democrats squashed another pro-gun bill in the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs committee.

Sen. Vickie Marble’s bill SB19-093 would restore the rights of individuals who use medical marijuana, or had a previous conviction of marijuana possession.

Democrats voted to continue this discrimination of individuals who cannot possess a firearm for self-defense. So now some people will continue to have to decide between carrying a firearm for their own security or the security of their family, and chronic pains that are helped by marijuana.

Here are some people that will have to make this tough choice:

Veterans, people with chronic pain, cancer patients, people with HIV, elderly people who can’t take Advil, Tylenol etc…,

Why are Democrats placing a stigma on people? Placing a stigma will force people to break the law or refuse help that could potentially save their life.

No matter what merits a bill has, and even if it restores an individual’s constitutional right, if it has anything to do with firearms, Democrats are sure to kill it.

This bill was not a massive expansion of gun rights. This was simply restoring constitutional rights for a select few.

This bill meant that regular law-abiding Coloradans that seek medicinal help through marijuana could go through the already burdensome and infringing regulations to be able to protect themselves or their family.

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