Poll results: Should Republicans compromise on the 2nd Amendment?

Thank you to all our readers who took the time to vote in our latest Weekend…

New York legislature shows its claws

We’re feeling a bit catty or maybe a little frisky today. So, when this article came…

VIDEO: Freshman Rep. Lisa Cutter refuses to accept Red Flag petitions

We came across the video below created by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners of Democrat Representative Lisa…

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…

Daily Calendar

The legislature is out of session today for Presidents Day, but it will be a very…

Weekend Poll: Is it time for recalls?

The Democrat-controlled legislature continues to force Coloradans to accept a more socialist worldview.  Bills are changing the Electoral…

Democrats: It’s fine to discriminate with gun control

Yesterday, Democrats squashed another pro-gun bill in the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs committee. Sen.…

Democrats taunt conservatives by squashing pro-gun bills.

In the wake of Democrats pushing their pro-heroin agenda, Dems are quietly squashing pro-gun bills in…

Democrats play possum with gun control

Take the guns first, then due process later. That’s what Democrats want with their “red flag”…