Democrats reaffirm their radical agenda in a vote-a-rama

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Last week the legislature took a whack at the appropriations bill, and as you can imagine, Democrats have some not-so-great things they want to throw money at – things that don’t justify them wanting to keep more of your taxes.

With very little Republicans can do to stop the Democrats, all they can do is try to add amendments to reallocate funds to better programs. But common sense spending apparently don’t make sense to Democrats.

Spoiler alert… they all failed.

One amendment offered has been a point of contention at the State House this session in allowing illegal aliens the ability to get driver licenses.

I hope at this point we don’t have to explain why ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS shouldn’t have driver’s licenses in Colorado.

The amendment offered by Republicans would have eliminated funding for this program to give illegals licenses. It was defeated on a 21-43 vote.

Not all amendments were about cutting spending, or to get rid of egregious legislation. Some amendments were to reallocate spending from one unnecessary thing, to something the government is actually responsible for funding.

A number of amendments attempted to reallocate money for things like school safety and veteran assistance.

Again… still defeated by Democrats.

Amendments like taking $4.7 million from Planned Parenthood and putting it into school safety. I guess corporate handouts are bad unless it’s for Planned Parenthood. For the record all handouts are bad.

Democrats even stopped an attempt to stop enabling the use of heroin on the streets. The amendment would have reduced a half-a-million dollars form the Department of Public Health and Environment syringe exchange programs. It failed.

I guess that makes sense… why would Democrats stop a damaging policy they put in place?

Democrats want to increase taxes so we can fix our crumbling transportation system. One amendment would have given $769,000 for providing fixes after taking it from the Governor’s jet. Again… it failed.

I could go on and on about the failed amendments that show the carelessness Democrats display towards the state of Colorado.

Recalls are happening for a reason. Actually, for dozens of reasons because of the harm Democrats are doing to Colorado.

We might be looking at the fastest transition of any state to socialism, and it may have irreversible consequences.

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