Democrats want you to stop praying, thanking first responders

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Don’t thank law enforcement and don’t pray for our kids if you do not believe gun control is the ONLY answer to keeping our children safe. That is the message Democrat Mike Johnston is sending in the aftermath of the STEM school shooting in Highlands Ranch.

He claims, if you believe in your Constitutional right to own firearms, you have no right to thank first responders, teachers, and students for their heroic actions.

Johnston’s message is eerily similar to that of political activists and leader of Progress Now, Ian Silverii. In an unhinged rant on Twitter one week ago, Silverii denounced Christian conservatives claiming they had no right to pray for STEM school students.

The out-of-touch video of Johnston denouncing Senator Cory Gardner’s response to the STEM school shooting.

But, the responses that actually need questioning are from politician’s like Johnston, who immediately politicize the situation by calling for gun control. News flash Mike, the students do not want to become part of your gun confiscation agenda. They want to be left to grieve.

And in the meantime, the folks who risked, and even lost their lives, deserve our thanks and our prayers. As a former teacher and principle, Johnston should welcome any and all support for those who act in times of crisis.

Instead, he shuns real heroes because he’d rather make a political statement than be thankful to people who are pro-gun. If Johnston thinks smearing Gardner is his ticket to ‘rule’ over American citizens in the U.S. Senate, he is sorely mistaken.

Step off your authoritarian high horse and stop telling people what they can and cannot do. Let us thank everyone who acts heroicly in moments of crisis, and let us pray for everyone affected.

2 thoughts on “Democrats want you to stop praying, thanking first responders

  1. While the term “First Responder” theoretically ‘belongs’ to the first government employee with a gun that shows up…

    In reality, the FIRST RESPONDER is the VICTIM!

    Everybody else shows up LATE and then it’s just fill in the reports.

    The “Victim/First Responder” should always be ready to RESPOND at the time armed response in necessary to protect Life and Limb.

    THAT is not theory, but Hundreds of Thousands of years of HUMAN HISTORY prove it to be TRUE.

    1. This is so true and we need these idiots out of public service they have no rights to be there for there own agenda

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