Did AOC’s Visit to Boulder Make it More Or Less Liberal?

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We think it’s a funny question as well!

That’s a question we were divided on here at the Colorado Citizens Press nerve center. One staffer asked: “Can Boulder REALLY get any more liberal?” That’s a good question, but did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) make Boulder more conservative?

Another staffer opined: “Have you followed AOC? She’s the extreme-far-left of the loony left. She clearly made Boulder more liberal!” Please post in the comments here and on social media whether you think AOC made Boulder more or less liberal.

Don’t forget that most of Democrat leadership in Colorado hails from Boulder, including our Governor!

If you read this article from Ernest Luning at Colorado Politics, one thing was clear: the Democrats at the Truman Dinner (Dem fundraiser) where AOC was speaking, fully embraced her. There were a lot of standing ovations from the crowd. AOC, a former bartender (she won the Dem primary while slinging cocktails), was actually able to identify one U.S. President during her speech – FDR. We were pretty surprised at that, although her “Green New Deal” was likely based on FDR’s expansive socialist policies.

AOC’s colleague, U.S. Congressman Joe Neguse paraded her around his district before the dinner. In fact, they visited someone who is facing deportation seeking sanctuary in a church. We wonder what other criminal activities she observed while in Boulder.

So what’s the point of this article? First, it’s to inform you that super-lib AOC was in town. Second, based on the response AOC got at the dinner, the concept of the “moderate” Democrat politician is now a myth here in Colorado.

The Democrats are the party of AOC, make no mistake!

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One thought on “Did AOC’s Visit to Boulder Make it More Or Less Liberal?

  1. Last time I was in Boulder, just a brief drive up to Boulder Falls with my young daughters, some liberal nutcase almost caused an accident by tailgating and honking at us like 2 inches away from our bumper for several miles down Boulder Canyon Rd. We eventually pulled over to face up to this unexpected confrontation. But they drove off and gave us obscene gestures. Also cursing. Apparently they were upset about the 2″ maga sticker we have on the back of our truck. Geesh, I’ve had that on there for years now, and have never had someone try and risk an accident with our young children in the car over that. Boulder is full of crazies. Besides, even if that incident would not have happened, we had already determined this is not a safe place for our kids. Gender confused people everywhere, bums living in parks and under bridges on every turn, surrounded by people whom did not speak english in many locations, it was just unnatural and very unappealing. We’re not going to recreate in Boulder anymore. It’s not even safe for a quick jot up there like it was 20 years ago. What a shame. And no wonder their politically motivated people prefer to stay in Denver. Boulder lands are some of the most beautiful in Colorado. Boulder social and political culture is on the other hand, not very attractive these days.

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