Polis Administration Failing to Provide Full COVID-19 Projection Data in a Timely Manner

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Denver, CO – The Polis administration is failing to provide full COVID-19 projection data in a timely manner to the public.

Two Fridays ago, March 27, Governor Jared Polis discussed modeling data that are the basis for putting all of Colorado on house arrest. Last Friday, Polis demanded that all Coloradans are to wear homemade masks when leaving their houses for essential services. So far, the mask order does not seem enforceable.

On Thursday, CDPHE incident commander Scott Bookman said during a press conference they suspect infections are four to ten times what are being reported. We have yet to see that data.

So, on Sunday afternoon, CDPHE finally released the data in the form of two, two-page pdf documents.

March 26 Data
Updated: April 1 Data

Where is the supporting research that goes with these projection charts?

This is the comprehensive data that Polis used for his “Stay at Home” order and orders to shut down businesses. TWO PAGES, and it took nearly two weeks to release this to the public? There is nothing redacted in the two documents.

This lack of transparency is why Coloradans do not trust Polis to make life-altering decisions for them!

These documents could easily have been provided when Polis discussed the data the first time. Instead, Coloradans were expected to take Polis’ word without the data to read for themselves.

More importantly, how can people trust Polis in the future? As Governor, he has assumed total control of the lives of Coloradans. Yet, he is failing to back up his decisions with transparent information.

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4 thoughts on “Polis Administration Failing to Provide Full COVID-19 Projection Data in a Timely Manner

  1. nero can not be trusted, he/it has proven that time and time again, he/it and the truth are at polar opposites, any thing he puts pot or any thing his/its people put out will be fudged

  2. You knew there was going to be a problem when he first announced an emergency declaration followed immediately by the statement, we’re still open for tourism. Logical fault.

    We don’t need the governments permission to have liberty. The government is not the one whom granted us Liberty. We claimed that ourselves.

    We’ve made much greater sacrifices for liberty in the past. We sent our best and brightest youngest men to war to retain liberty. We’re not going to give up everything to protect such a small group of possibly vulnerable people.

    With a 98% recovery rate of severely effected people, or even 99% or greater, this is complete nonsense at this point. I went to the stores and the outlets, picked up garden supplies, grabbed some steak and beers, and you know what. Nothing happened to me. I am fine. As long as I don’t stop by an elderly persons house, nothing will come of it.

    The consequences of disinformation for all these other vital health and safety issues is the government and the corporations they answer to destroyed their own credibility. The glyphosate in your meals is more dangerous. The cellular tech is more likely to harm you. The pollution is more likely to build in your system and you wont’ just get over it like a cold.

    Everyone whom survives, which is likely to be far greater than 99% of us, will develop our own natural immunity to this anyways. No vaccines necessary. You’ve all had coronavirus before, don’t you get that? It’s just another strain of the flue. As wicked as it may be, we have never and will never live in fear of the flue. Certainly we’re not going to relinquish liberty over it.

    It’s time to wake up, snap out of it, and get back to work and your daily routine. This ends when we demand it ends. Are they going to arrest everyone? They can arrest themselves and I’d bet you a pepsi the same people making these edicts are finding time to swing by their summer cabins, out to the stores, communicating with family and neighbors, etc. That’s the viral news lately, nobody is actually following the orders, not even their own. If they were following orders, how is it this many edicts are still coming through the pipeline? This is discrimination based on employment and it’s not going to fly. It barely got off the ground before it crashed. Game over.

  3. Why on earth won’t governor Polis stop travel into Colorado from covid hot spots or at least require mandatory 14 day quarantine for those staying in Colorado.?

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