Polis set to forfeit Colorado’s electoral votes

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Gov. Jared Polis is about to sign the National Popular Vote bill because he thinks the Electoral College is an undemocratic relic of the nation’s past and wants it relegated to the dustbin of history, according to his interview with The Hill.

Once Polis signs the bill, Colorado will join California, Massachusetts, and New York for states that have passed the measure – giving Coloradans a good indication how far left Democrats in the state are willing to go.

Once the bill is signed, Colorado will be entered into a pact that is sure to be challenged in the courts when the pact is triggered.

As we have discussed in the past, there’s a reason why Constitutional Conservatives are concerned, and a reason why Democrats want it.

Forcing a popular vote disregards a big part of our Constitution and undermines the original intent of our founding fathers and the Electoral College, and now, States are going as far as forfeiting their State’s voice entirely.

Although it may be a while before there’s any legal action, two officials in Colorado are taking action of their own.

Monument’s mayor Don Wilson and a Mesa County Commissioner Rose Pugliese believe it should be voted on by citizens as well, and intend to petition the question onto the state’s ballot for 2020.

If Wilson and Pugliese gather 125,000 signatures, the measure would be suspended and be determined by the ballot vote.

Stay tuned.

29 thoughts on “Polis set to forfeit Colorado’s electoral votes

  1. This is treason against our country and devalues the individual in non populated areas. I am completely against this and I am ashamed you represent us Gov Polis.

    1. He has no right to give away my vote. It’s already time to recall this fruitcake! The liberals are ruining Colorado!

        1. Soros and Tom Steyer had a lot to do with turning Colorado blue this last election– they invested many megabucks in campaigns in this state.

    2. I do not believe this is Constitutionally legal and if our honorable Governor signs it I believe that a class action law suit should be brought to the federal courts

  2. There is a strong reason the electoral college still exist. So areas with large populations do not over rule those with lower populations. This pact is the liberal Democrats way of forcing their political policies on all.

    1. The leftists are trying anything they can to acquire power, whether it be by attempting to side-step the constitution and the Electoral College, or by promising unrealistic pipe-dreams such as a guaranteed basic income for those who are “unable or UNWILLING to work”(emphasis added), to be paid for by Americans who ARE willing to work, or by promising to give 11 to 12 million illegal immigrants the right to vote, and other taxpayer-funded government benefits, even before they attempt to grant them automatic citizenship. This insanity will destroy every bit of American exceptionalism that our forebears fought so hard to achieve if we let it happen. We must fight once again – just as our ancestors did – to preserve the things that have made the United States the great and prosperous nation it is today. There is only one plus side to allowing the leftists to take control of this nation; shortly after they were to take power, should they be elected, the United States’ illegal immigration problem would completely disappear. Have you heard of anyone trying to move to Venezuela lately – legally or otherwise?

      1. This is such bs . Who vited for thus idiot . This sickens me . Does he think he is God . Im so sick of Democrates I could puke. Take my vote away smh you creep

  3. This is treason against our country and devalues the individual in non populated areas. I am completely against this and I am ashamed you represent us Gov Polis.

  4. Whatadumbassmove thisi is…he is 100%astupid Democrat….can the see what the democrats have already done and continue to do

  5. This is truly difficult to swallow, the Constitution was written to give everyone a voice and now the democratic party in Colorado is giving that right away. Makes me sick to call you my Governor, but you were duly elected.

  6. Polis needs to be removed! He does not speak for all of us! The electoral college was put in place for a reason, these Dems are ruining this country and our state! Where do I sign to petition this!? Already emailed and called Polis’ office

  7. The liberal left has infiltrated our culture and Polis and his Dem constituents are going to ruin Colorado. There is no more reaching over the isle, no more compromising, it’s either there way or no way. Our country wasn’t founded on this, we have a Constitution for a reason and this is a slap in the face to our founding fathers!

  8. Democrats have an agenda that’s immoral and evil. We have to unite and stand up for what is constitutionally protected. I’ll be available to sign a petition.

  9. Where is the petition to send to the Gov, I’m ready to sign. I’m a new resident to CO, not a great way to start for this veteran!

  10. Where is the petition to send to the Gov, I’m ready to sign. I’m a new resident to CO, not a great way to start for this veteran!

  11. Send the petition down to SW CO. Where do I sign?
    No voice to the people here if this goes through. Leave LaPlata county out, they are part of this Polis problem. But Montezuma County ond the West slope are not behind him.

  12. While, it does no good to insult the duly elected Governor, the focus should be on our state and the rights of the underdog in this state regardless of political affiliation. Winner take all states eliminates the little guy. It takes away our vote! All Coloradans regardless of political affiliation should be alarmed at SB 42. Reach out to the governor to express your disapproval. No need to insult anyone. Just send an email.

  13. Do you know what happened 166 years ago last summer, Sept 9, 1850??
    California became a state! The people had no electricty, the state had no money and almost everyone spoke spanish. There were gunfights in the streets.

    So basically nothing has changed except back then women had real boobs and the men didn’t hold hands.
    And that my friends, is your history lesson today!

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