RECALL: Rochelle Galindo is a disaster for Weld County

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Out-of-touch freshman Representative Rochelle Galindo, D-Greeley, is a walking disaster for Weld County, and she is facing a recall as a result.

Recent reports show that Galindo is next in line to face a recall election. Less than three months into her first legislative session.

Why? An abhorrent voting record that is entirely out of touch with her constituents in house district 50.

Here are the ‘highlights’ of Galindo’s less than illustrious career, and why activists are beginning a recall effort.

Greeley City Council and Campaigns

During her time on the Greeley City Council, Galindo argued to make Greeley a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.

To provide cover, she argued for the sanctuary policy during a meeting where a resolution could not be introduced.

A meeting that devolved into a nearly unintelligible argument.

Galindo knew a resolution would be voted down by the entire council, and strongly opposed by the majority of voters in Greeley, yet she chose to grandstand anyway.

Take this quote from Complete Colorado for example, “It was always I, I, I, instead of we,” Elder said. “She was always grandstanding. It was never a team effort for her. Everything we did she would take credit for.”

Sandi Elder was a former City Councilwoman for Greeley.

This, and multiple reports point to Galindo’s political career as a self-centered rise to power.

And Galindo appears to have no qualms about abusing that power.

For instance, in 2015 Galindo and a companion used remaining campaign funds from her city council election to travel to Las Vegas.

Campaign finance reports show approximately $1,600 in campaign funds written off as ‘fundraising’ being spent on flights, parking, hotels, and other perks. A clear misuse of campaign funds corroborated by a clear lack in fundraising during the same period.

Using campaign funds to celebrate an election in Las Vegas should disenfranchise even the strongest supporter.

Furthermore, during her campaign for Colorado House District 50, Galindo lost not one, but two campaign managers within a matter of months.

The managers cited differences of opinion on how to achieve campaign goals as well as Galindo’s abusive behavior toward staff.

But that was before she took office. Let’s take a look at her voting record over the last three months to see why she is on the recall block.

State Legislative Record

Possibly more telling than her time on the Greeley City Council and her campaign, are her policies and freshman voting record in the Colorado State House.

Not only did she vote for controversial mandatory gay sex education and gun-confiscation, but just last week she voted to protect pedophiles.

That’s right folks, Galindo does not believe prosecutors should have the ability to send pedophiles to prison for sexting children.

She is also sponsoring legislation that will further damage Colorado’s housing market, which we highlighted here.

Furthermore, Galindo certified her support of illegal immigration by voting to provide state funded protection for illegal alien felons.

And then comes the issue most infuriating to Colorado voters, Galindo voted rank-in-file with Democrats to give Colorado’s Electoral College votes away.

On top of all that, she is now waffling on her vote for SB19-181, the bill which would put a moratorium on new oil and gas development.

A bill that will likely decimate Weld County’s oil and gas industry that so many of her constituents depend on.

For Galindo’s district, a moratorium on an industry the county depends on should not even be considered by their representative.

Yet, Galindo, who according to her website is proudly endorsed by anti-oil and gas group the Sierra Club, is considering voting yes.

Whether she ultimately votes yes or no on SB19-181 at this point holds no consequence, Galindo showed her true colors.

The good people of Weld County were deceived by Galindo through no fault of their own. But, the day of reckoning for the socialist lawmaker seems to be upon us.

And with a record like Galindo’s, there is no place to hide.

19 thoughts on “RECALL: Rochelle Galindo is a disaster for Weld County

    1. Her voting record is terrible and I suffer from it even though I live in Lakewood, Please recall her.

    2. Her voting record is terrible and I suffer from it even though I live in Lakewood, Please recall her.

  1. Galindo MUST BE RECALLED!!! She does not represent the good, hard working people of Weld County or of Colorado! What an embarrassment!

  2. I was at the meeting on Saturday – She barely spoke. She is relying on Boulder to make the decisions for Weld County. I will be volunteering to carry this petition, as well as the Recall Polis and petition to among others to get the required signatures for repeal of bill 19-042.

  3. Her policies do not Align with anything that the majority of Weld County stands for. Her voting record speaks for itself and the idiotic photos she posts give the image that she is laughing about the coup she has pulled. Enough is enough!

  4. She needs to be recalled. Just trying to ruin all of weld county. Has no idea what she’s doing and needs to go. I was born and raised in weld county and we don’t need someone like her doing this.

  5. She’s just the next to go. Keeep sending that signal. We don’t have to accept this type of behavior.

  6. Galindo has the courage to represent the interest of people and not the interest of the private industry. We need more elected officials that have her courage.

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