Trump’s Colorado Campaign Director Fires Conservative While Publicly Endorsing Left-wing Republicans

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Left: Senator Mitt Romney and Director at Trump Victory Jefferson Thomas
Right: President Donald Trump and conservative Rep. Dave Williams

Denver, CO – Conservatives in Colorado are asking why President Donald Trump’s Colorado campaign director fired a conservative and is publicly endorsing left-wing Republicans.

According to Colorado Politics, Colorado State Director at Trump Victory, Jefferson Thomas, cut ties with conservative Republican Dave Williams.

Williams was working as a liaison between the Trump campaign and Republican legislators. He says he was ousted for his support of the conservative candidate and former Representative Justin Everett.

While the Colorado Trump Victory spokesman wouldn’t say what triggered Williams’ ouster, Williams told Colorado Politics in a series of text messages that it was his outspoken support for Everett. He also slammed Jefferson Thomas, the Trump campaign’s state director, for applying a “double standard” after backing Larson in the primary months ago.

Said Williams: “Jefferson Thomas informed me today that he was cutting ties with me because of my support for the most conservative legislator in Colorado history.”

From Colorado Politics

Williams said he would still encourage voters to rally behind President Trump.

A Double Standard?

Now, it is possible members of Trump’s campaign are not allowed to get involved in GOP primaries. However, this is not the first time Jefferson Thomas has weighed in on a potential primary. If that is a rule, then Thomas is not holding himself to the same standard.

We recently wrote about how a Hillary Clinton Mega-donor is dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars in an effort to buy GOP primaries. The liberal-funded group Coloradans for Conservative Values is spending huge sums of money on ads opposing conservative Justin Everett.

Overall, hundreds of thousands of dollars in outside money is pouring into the House District 22 race opposing Everett and supporting the much more liberal-leaning Rep. Colin Larson (R-Jefferson).

If Trump’s top campaign official in Colorado actually fired a conservative Republican Representative for endorsing a conservative Republican candidate, that is extremely bad optics for the Trump campaign.

William’s ouster, combined with Thomas’ support of a candidate backed by out-of-state Clinton money, makes for an even worse look.

Colorado is a fairly small state compared to easier to win swing states, so you cannot blame Trump for not knowing about this kerfuffle. However, we cannot imagine Trump wants his campaign officials to split Republican support in the state, especially considering the campaign announced Colorado is in play in 2020.

What do you think? Is there a double standard for Jefferson Thomas? Is this proper behavior for a top Trump campaign official?

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2 thoughts on “Trump’s Colorado Campaign Director Fires Conservative While Publicly Endorsing Left-wing Republicans

  1. In a state where the Liberals have taken over, we have Republicans arguing with one another. This is insane. Republicans need to be united in it’s goals and fight the liberals with every thing possible. I mean fight like hell! Where is the Colorado Republican leadership? They want to do the “correct” thing while getting beat at the polls.

    1. To hell with Colorado Republicans. They are nothing but John McCain/ Mitt Romney clones. They are one of the primary reasons Colorado has turned blue. They will continue to lead us down the porcelin convenience. Conservatives MUST find a way to unite in Colorado and FIRST oust these phony repubs then work towards uniting Colorado to it’s true conservative roots. If not, we will forever be Califorado.

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