Wins on Life

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Dem Secretary of State Jena Griswold can’t be happy about this…

We wrote extensively on how the repeal of the National Popular Vote Law collected enough signatures to be placed on the 2020 ballot. This was a win for conservatives in a year that the Boulderites ran amok over Colorado.

Now, petitions have been approved to save some babies here in Colorado.

This had to be very difficult for Secretary of State Jena Griswold. As we told you back in June, Griswold is a puppet of Planned Parenthood. She seems to defer to them on her press releases.

The statewide initiative seeks to limit late-term abortions. Specifically from Mark Harden at Colorado Politics:

The initiative (text here) was submitted by Erin Behrens and Giuliana Day. It would make it unlawful to perform abortions after the 22nd week of pregnancy unless the pregnant woman’s life is in danger.

Colorado is one of seven states that doesn’t impose any time limits on when women can get an abortion, The Associated Press reports.

A person performing a late-term abortion would be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor under the measure and would be subject to a fine of up to $1,000, but not jail time.

He or she would also be found guilty of “unprofessional conduct,” in which case he or she could be subject to having a medical license suspended for at least three years.

The initiative would not impose a penalty on a woman receiving the abortion.

Mark Harden, Colorado Politics, Sept 19, 2019

If you’re pro-life and take an all or nothing philosophy on the issue (we get it!), then these piece-meal type initiatives aren’t too appetizing. For example, there is one exception: danger to the mother.

If your goal is to start to chip away at the number of babies killed each year, this would be a major step.

In other good news, abortion rates have declined, according to Guttmacher Institute. Specifically, they are down 7% from 2014 and at their lowest levels since the liberal activist Supreme Court (“Berger Court” – continued in the Warren Court tradition) unconstitutionally decided Roe v. Wade.

What was interesting about this study was that 57% of the decline was from states and the District of Columbia that did NOT pass new laws protecting life.

So this begs the question: are we a pro-life nation and that’s where citizen’s convictions REALLY stand? We believe this is the case.

Now, we need more wins!

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2 thoughts on “Wins on Life

  1. We read extensively on birth control recently. This abortion pill is used much more frequently now, but most women who take it have no idea about the devastating after effects it can cause. Looking at the abortion issue is heart wrenching, most just look away. For the popular vote compact, we wrote letters, representatives did not listen and pushed it through anyways. If this actually effects the next presidential election cycle we’re going to do something totally radical, like move to wyoming or something where our votes still technically count. Most people are unaware their votes don’t actually count in many municipalities. Like Adams county. They turned in the final tallies for the previous presidential race based on samplings, and not a true final count number. Adams has this receipt of vote counting thing. We got our receipts that our mail in ballot was actually counted approximately 3 weeks after the last presidential election. Before that we got no receipt. Here is my vote for all places where mail in ballots are present, all drop off locations, and all digital vote locations, should all have publicly available cctv live feeds online for the complete building and operational area, front and back room. There is a reason they count the votes in the back room. They really do throw votes away, it’s not a myth. Vote with your wallet. Corporations run this government, although we are trying to stop this regulatory capture and self asking corporate monopoly. The revolving door spins on. Politicians should have to wear nascar style patch branding on their suits so we know who’s paid for their services.

  2. Talk to an ethical doctor who’s facing the above “mother’s health” scenario. He or she will tell you that they will NOT abort the infant but rather give both mother and infant as much time to keep the baby where it belongs, in the womb, before they do a PRETERM DELIVERY which means doing everything they can to save the infant and keep his or her development as normal as possible outside of the mother.

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