Townhall — Now There’s Irrefutable Proof: Arming School Staff Keeps Kids Safe

In the latest two horrific school shootings, one at a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)…

Hogg-Watts! Or it should be “Hogwash!”

An anti-gun zealot whose organization (Mom’s Demand Action) caught a lot of flack for politicizing the…

Independence Institute’s “Pro-Gun” Dave Kopel Sells Out Gun Owners

Never one to let a tragedy not be used in their war against gun owners, California…

Sen. Kerry Donovan verbally attacks her constituents over her own lies

On the floor of the Senate last week, gun grabbing Senator Kerry Donovan decided to completely…

Could the courts backtrack Red Flag and kill it?

Last week, Senate Democrats thought they could outsmart Republicans after they requested a 2,000-page bill be…

Rep. Neville gives impassioned speech opposing Red Flag

House Republican Leader Patrick Neville, R-Castle Rock, gave an impassioned speech in opposition to the dangerous…

Red Flag laws are not lowering suicide rates

While digging through statistics from states that have Red Flag laws, we found these laws are…

House Judiciary votes yes for gun confiscation; yes to recalls?

Just before midnight last night, the House Judiciary Committee voted to move forward with Red Flag…

Democrats abandon heroin and take aim at your guns

Democrats had no choice but to abandon their dream of heroin addicts on every street corner.…

“Red flag” gun confiscation spits on Bill of Rights

As we have previously written, Democrats before the Legislative Session said their main priority for gun…

Democrats: It’s fine to discriminate with gun control

Yesterday, Democrats squashed another pro-gun bill in the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs committee. Sen.…

Democrats taunt conservatives by squashing pro-gun bills.

In the wake of Democrats pushing their pro-heroin agenda, Dems are quietly squashing pro-gun bills in…