Secretary of State Jena Griswold is Using Taxpayer-funded Resources to Promote Liberal Organization and Agenda

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Denver, CO – Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold is using taxpayer-funded resources to promote liberal organization New Era Colorado and their progressive agenda.

This is not the first time Griswold has abused her position as Secretary of State.

There is a potential conflict of interest with Griswold’s connections to Jefferson County Ballot Issue 1A tax hike ballot language. She also asked Planned Parenthood for EDITS before putting out a press release from the Secretary of State’s office.

Now, Griswold is using her position as Secretary of State to hold an Elections Town Hall with New Era Colorado. The town hall promotion went out in an email from the Secretary of State’s office.

New Era Colorado is a socialist-promoting, liberal non-profit organization. They lobby heavily for socialist programs and promote socialists like AOC on their social media accounts.

So, we went ahead and filled out the registration form for the town hall.

We promptly received an email from Alex Goddard’s Secretary of State email address. Goddard’s Linkedin profile lists his previous experience as “Regional Field Director” for “Polis for Colorado” and later the “Colorado Democratic Party.”

New Era Colorado does not appear to be paying for this. Instead, you, the taxpayer, are funding liberal propaganda.

Clearly, Griswold is backing this town hall promoting a far-left political group, and she is using taxpayer-funded Secretary of State resources to do it.

Promoting socialism

New Era Colorado promotes socialized, government-controlled retirement plans. They support Colorado taxpayers paying off student loan debt. New Era also promoted the massive Proposition CC tax hike and youth abortion access.

Oh, and this is the group that brought you automatic voter registration, which comes with a laundry list of issues!

New Era Colorado is even promoting AOC’s calls to entirely CANCEL student debt.

Do you believe Secretary of State Jena Griswold is abusing her office?

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2 thoughts on “Secretary of State Jena Griswold is Using Taxpayer-funded Resources to Promote Liberal Organization and Agenda

  1. what did any one expect, she/it has a history of nefarious actions, much like many of the other liberal SS, and county clerks bought and paid for by sorros, in 2018, 2019. Sorros’s people were put in place prior to the 2020 elections, so his people will ignore illegal voting , miss count, magic ballots appearing, we have all ready seen some of this in the 2019 election cycle. The media keeps quiet on these things, because they support this what sorros’s people do, if they were really journalist they would investigate, tell the truth, but that is not their mandate, to report any truth. We know if a Republican did what she has been doing the liberals would be calling for an investigation, but as planned our atty gen is part of the covert plan to ignore the rules, doing the right thing. At this point all we can do is to keep exposing her, them as best we can, by what ever platform we have which is?
    Hopefully the in 2022 we have honest people sworn in to office for SS, atty gen, gov., treasurer, just my opinion, observation

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